Post Formats

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In Chained, we support this posts formats:

  • aside – Typically styled without a title. …
  • gallery – A gallery of images.
  • link – A link to another site.
  • image – A single image.
  • quote – A quotation.
  • audio – A single audio.
  • video – A single video.

To assign a post format for a post:

  • Create Post
  • In the right side of the post editing administration panel you will see a metabox Post Formats
  • Select what post format you desire from the (aside, gallery, link, image, quote, video, audio) and click save.


To create a gallery post, first you need to select the format.

A metabox will appear in the bottom part of the screen where you can add images for the gallery.

After you selected the images, click Use these images

And finally, Publish.

You should come up with something like this, depending on your image quality and size:

To create a link post, first you need to select the format, then to add anywhere in post content one link that will be used further in the loop or listings.

After publishing, in the loop you should come up with something like that:

To create a image post is simpler, you need to select the format, add a featured image and that’s it.

In the main loop it will show only that image.

To create a quote post, you need to select the format.

Then add a featured image and in Caption Field – add the actual quote you want, and in Description Field add the name of the person that said it, like in screenshot below:

To create a audio or video post, you need to select the format.

Then, add a video or audio file in anywhere in content and that video will be used.

For the audio post format, if you have featured image, it will be shown and incorporate in audio player.

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